Sunday was spectacular along the X/Y axes, X being Parkside and Y
being Ocean. Two of the neighborhood's biggest stars of beautification -
Rudy Delson and Amy Musick - led throngs of sweaty masses through the
process of bulb planting. And to sweeten the pot, the Parkside Committee
set up a model plaza to show off what might soon be, once In Cho's
design with DOT takes off next Spring. Oh, and a library too, right out
there on the Plaza? Believe it.
Musick on Ocean |
Bulbs Don't Plant Themselves, Now Do They? |
How Nutty To See Actual Hanging Out Happening Here |
The Pop-Up Library Caught Many By Surprise |
By the way to find out more about the Uni Reading Room project,
here's the jump. And there's still a bit of time to donate to the
Parkside Paradise Plaza Project.
I believe I'd mentioned that Rudy managed to raise some discretionary
money from Mathieu "Can Do" Eugene. $4,000 I think. Thing was, it had to
be given to a 501c3 non-profit. No problem! Mathieu was comfortable
giving it to the fledgling Friends of CB9 group that I thought I was a
part of; heck I even payed $50 to keep it afloat right when it got off
the ground. Seems the current CB9 leadership doesn't want me involved,
so I'm outa there, and the door didn't hit me as I left, letting them
know my displeasure. Shame, because in yet another realm they have no
idea what they're doing and need to ask for assistance. I tried to make
the case not to have the Board of the 501c3 be the same as the elected
Executive Committee of the Board, since those positions can change every
year and you want some consistency on the TOTALLY SEPARATE entity
that's set up to raise money for community projects. Did it bother the Q
that his advice, after years in non-profit management, and his offer to
volunteer his time were brushed aside? Oh yeah. When it comes to people
being petty and stubborn about losing their control over their tiny
fiefdoms I have no tolerance. Poor Rudy, I left him to fend for himself,
but he's a lawyer and clearly knows how to get stuff done. But see,
heroes like Delson don't let this stuff get to them. They doggedly
pursue their goals, and never betray any frustration. That's the mark of
a true leader. Me, all I can do it huff, puff, blog and sigh. Maybe
there's a reason for it all, but I can't yet see it. The hitch is that
Friends Of needs nearly $2,000 to get the insurance that will allow them
to accept the City's money. Good luck guys. You're gonna need it.
tidbits matter not in the big picture. One day, we'll look back and
note that 2014 was the year that the neighborhood started to look
prettier, even while right under the surface the waters roiled and the
sharks swarmed. As Amy noted, maybe best to focus on the things we can
all enjoy. Even the wee ones can enjoy a good bulb planting now and
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